Latest news from War & Peace

Welcome to our fifth newsletter! We have now reached the release state for the game, and it will become publicly available on August 24, on Steam. The game is fully playable, with most of the boardgame rules present, and already 6 of the original scenarios fully completed in all play-modes (solo, vs. AI, multi). We continue a permanent development on the project, with many more steps taken and content added, as you can see in the image we have included below. The next coming months, with your continued support, will see a wealth of extra activity on that grand project. Vive l'Empereur!

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War and Peace rules manual

Here is the first version (v 1.0) of the game rules for our upcoming computer version of the famous War & Peace boardgame, planned to be released this August 24, 2023, on Steam. This manual can also be downloaded directly in our PDF section or from the Steam page of the game. War & Peace Rules manual - Avalon DigitalDownload

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New screenshots

Here is a batch of new screenshots to show you our upcoming computer version of the famous War & Peace boardgame, which will be released on August 24, 2023, on Steam.

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War and Peace pre-release teaser

Here is a new teaser to announce the upcoming release of the computer version of the famous War & Peace boardgame, on August 24, 2023, on Steam.

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Ongoing and future developments of War & Peace

As the release is approaching, it's planned on Steam for August 24, here are some clarifications on the topic of the AI. After a necessary stabilisation period after the initial release, the work on AI development shall resume.We will probably work first either on Napoleon’s Apogee (1806-1807) or on Waterloo (1815).We could expect a delivery of one scenario every 6 …

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War and Peace - Late pledge

The classic board game War and Peace comes alive on your computer. Be Napoleon – or stand against him – in a series of short scenarios that cover the epic battles of the age from 1796 on, or in a grand campaign that may – or may not – end on the field of Waterloo. The videogame War and Peace will be released only on Steam. See the original Kickstarter campaign here.


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War and Peace

News of the Boardgame Reprint

Based on the order collected during the Kickstarter campaign and those registered since then on the website PREORDERS page (see it here), we can give you the following tally.

Upgrade kit#1 (counters) : 181
Upgrade kit#2 (cards) : 184
Upgrade kit# 6th to 7th Edition : 180
Complete 7th Edition Print : 204

The reprint goal remain at 500 units (per item), so we still some road ahead of us. This said, if the full game 7th Edition print reaches the target, then the upgrade kits will also be made, whatever their preorders.

Meeting with Mark

We are pleased to inform you that the development team in France will have the pleasure to meet with game design Mark McLaughlin on next Saturday September 9th during his European tour.
We’ll be in Lyon, France, enjoying some nice exchange and a few French treats that the Emperor himself would have liked.

Thanks all for your continued interest and support.

War and Peace - Demo - Italian campaign

Our demo is still available. See this page to download a demo of the future War and Peace digital version.
War and Peace - Demo - Italian campaign
War and Peace - Napoleon

What is War & Peace ?


Overview of War and Peace Avalon Digital has captured the look, feel, challenge, and excitement of the classic board game War and Peace and brought it to life on your computer. Solo and multiplayer options allow you to become Napoleon as you lead your armies from the fields of France to the steppes of Russia, and from the deserts of …

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Napoleon's Empire

Article published in The General, Vol. 17, 1980 (see also this PDF). By Mark G. McLaughlin To many, war is the crashing sound of multiengined Allied bombers devastating German cities, the noiseless prowl of U-Boats seeking heavilyladen North Atlantic tankers or the grinding might of the panzer armies crushing their way across the endless Russian steppes. There are some of …

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War and Peace - Avalon Hill - The General - 17

Napoleon’s Empire – The Scenarios

Article published in The General, Vol. 17, 1980 (see also this PDF). By Mark G. McLaughlin War and Peace - The Scenarios Although the Napoleonic Wars covered a ten year span and were fought over an entire continent, the war was not a continuous conflict. There were several separate campaigns between France and a few, rather than all, of the major …

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Napoleon's Empire - The grand campaign

Article published in The General, Vol. 17, 1980 (see also this PDF). By Mark G. McLaughlin War and Peace - The Grand Campaign The Grand Campaign should not be played by those who have not fought all or most of the individual scenarios, as it combines elements of play found in all of them, plus several new rules. The course …

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